All Images Copyright Photography by Sara Purdy. Please do not copy.. Powered by Blogger.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Share the Joy Photography Workshops!!

Alright Folks! Big Announcement time! Months and Months ago, God laid something on my heart about starting a mentoring session for other photographers, and after months and months of planning, and praying I would like to present to you...*drum roll please....*
The Share The Joy Workshop!

These workshops are meant for YOU! Professionals, Amateurs, Enthusiasts, Photographers of all kinds!

As a special bonus, all those who book will get 15% off the next session they book and a special gift ;)
Thanks so much! Can't wait to see you all out there!!
~ Sara


Photography by Sara Purdy's Fan Box

About This Blog

I've been running my lil' business for about 3 years, but have worked as a photographer for little over 7 years - I do photography of all kinds but "on location" is my specialty. I am married to a wonderful man, and have a 3 year old son - along with 3 puppies as well - needless to say there is never a dull moment in our house!
If you have any questions or want to book a shoot feel free to contact me through any of my links above or by email at:

This blog will contain all my latest work and updates so bookmark or follow it to keep up with all the new things!
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