All Images Copyright Photography by Sara Purdy. Please do not copy.. Powered by Blogger.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Extravagant Elisabeth

Elisabeth is: A Christ - Follower; a photographer; a writer; a musician; - and shes only 15! Never have I met someone so young with a such a mature, well rounded heart. Elisabeth is one of our youth members at Lifecoast Church, and she is so amazingly talented! I loved taking these photos of her today; she is absolutely beautiful both inside and out and I think that shows through her in these photos! There was so many good ones, I couldn't decide which ones to post, because they were all just so great!


Photography by Sara Purdy's Fan Box

About This Blog

I've been running my lil' business for about 3 years, but have worked as a photographer for little over 7 years - I do photography of all kinds but "on location" is my specialty. I am married to a wonderful man, and have a 3 year old son - along with 3 puppies as well - needless to say there is never a dull moment in our house!
If you have any questions or want to book a shoot feel free to contact me through any of my links above or by email at:

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